
We offer a dedicated team of experienced physical therapists who know the demands of your sport, how to train for your position and how to assess your individual needs. Our unique program integrates speed exercises, sports balance, customized strength training and other enhancement techniques that make you stronger and faster in your sport, while decreasing the risk of injury.

With our Spinal Health program, we can carefully test and evaluate your condition, determine the source of your pain and then develop a plan to help you return to your usual active lifestyle. Our special training in this complex area allows us to provide you with the tools needed to achieve optimal spinal health.

At South Bay Sports Medicine PT, we know the value of feeling great. If you’ve been sidelined with an injury or pain from arthritis, we can help. Our Senior program offers a variety of health education, therapy and rehabilitation programs designed exclusively for seniors. We can evaluate and treat most geriatric conditions, including balance and walking problems, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular function related to a physical impairment and decreased mobility levels that make it difficult to get out of bed, climb stairs or perform routine activities around the house.

Our Work Max program offers an extensive therapy regimen designed to get you back on the job as quickly and as safely as possible. What’s more, as part of our comprehensive program, we will show you how to avoid future injuries. Our therapies include range of motion testing, strengthening and conditioning, coordination redevelopment and evaluation of the specific demands of your job activity.